Script start time: Thu May 21 04:03:03 EDT 2020

Script end: Thu May 21 06:09:53 EDT 2020

_____________________________________ESMF_8_0_1branch BUILD AND TEST SUMMARY__________________________

          PASS/FAIL PASS/FAIL                           PASS/FAIL   PASS/FAIL  PASS/FAIL   PASS/FAIL
discover01(g)PASS      PASS    Linux.nag.mpiuni.64          7536/0      51/0       8/0      18/0
discover01(O)PASS      PASS    Linux.nag.mpiuni.64          7536/0      51/0       8/0      18/0


Thu May 21 04:04:26 EDT 2020 on discover01 

ESMF Checkout Source:

Compiler and configuration information:
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
  1) comp/nag-6.2-6204      2) other/comp/gcc-4.8.1   3) other/git-2.21.0
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
HEAD detached at origin/ESMF_8_0_1branch
Untracked files:
  (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed)


nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
Make version:
GNU Make 3.81
Copyright (C) 2006  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A

This program built for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

Fortran Compiler version:
NAG Fortran Compiler Release 6.2(Chiyoda) Build 6204
Product NPL6A62NA for x86-64 Linux
Copyright 1990-2017 The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd., Oxford, U.K.

C++ Compiler version:
g++ (GCC) 4.8.1
Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

Preprocessor version:
gcc (GCC) 4.8.1
Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

 * User set ESMF environment variables *
 * ESMF environment variables *
ESMF_DIR: /discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf
ESMF_OS:                Linux
ESMF_MACHINE:           x86_64
ESMF_ABI:               64
ESMF_COMPILER:          nag
ESMF_BOPT:              g
ESMF_OPTLEVEL:          0
ESMF_COMM:              mpiuni
ESMF_SITE:              default
ESMF_OPENMP:            OFF
ESMF_CXXSTD:            11
ESMF_MPIRUN:            /discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/src/Infrastructure/stubs/mpiuni/mpirun
 * ESMF environment variables pointing to 3rd party software *
ESMF_MOAB:               internal
ESMF_LAPACK:             internal
ESMF_YAMLCPP:            internal
ESMF_PROJ4:                external
ESMF_PROJ4_INCLUDE:        /home/scvasque/proj4/include
ESMF_PROJ4_LIBS:           -lproj
ESMF_PROJ4_LIBPATH:        /home/scvasque/proj4/lib
 * ESMF environment variables for final installation *
ESMF_INSTALL_PREFIX:    /discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/../install_dir
ESMF_INSTALL_MODDIR:    mod/modg/Linux.nag.64.mpiuni.default
ESMF_INSTALL_LIBDIR:    lib/libg/Linux.nag.64.mpiuni.default
ESMF_INSTALL_BINDIR:    bin/bing/Linux.nag.64.mpiuni.default
 * ESMF Benchmark directory and parameters *
 * Other relevant environment variables *
PATH:    /gpfsm/dulocal/sles11/other/SLES11.3/git/2.21.0/libexec/git-core:/gpfsm/dulocal/sles11/other/SLES11.3/git/2.21.0/bin:/usr/local/other/SLES11.1/gcc/4.8.1/bin:/usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/bin:/home/scvasque/bin:/home/scvasque/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/games:/opt/kde3/bin:/opt/ibutils/bin:/usr/lib/mit/bin:/usr/lib/mit/sbin:/usr/slurm/bin
LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /gpfsm/dulocal/sles11/other/SLES11.3/git/2.21.0/lib:/usr/local/other/SLES11.1/gcc/4.8.1/lib64:/usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/lib
 * Compilers, Linkers, Flags, and Libraries *
Location of the preprocessor:      /usr/local/other/SLES11.1/gcc/4.8.1/bin/gcc
Location of the Fortran compiler:  /usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/bin/nagfor
Location of the Fortran linker:    /usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/bin/nagfor
Location of the C++ compiler:      /usr/local/other/SLES11.1/gcc/4.8.1/bin/g++
Location of the C++ linker:        /usr/local/other/SLES11.1/gcc/4.8.1/bin/g++

Fortran compiler flags:
ESMF_F90COMPILEOPTS: -g -pic -DESMF_NAG_UNIX_MODULE -dusty -thread_safe
ESMF_F90COMPILEPATHS: -I/discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/mod/modg/Linux.nag.64.mpiuni.default -I/discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/src/include -I/home/scvasque/proj4/include

Fortran linker flags:
ESMF_F90LINKOPTS:   -thread_safe -Wl,-Wl,,--no-as-needed
ESMF_F90LINKPATHS: -L/discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/lib/libg/Linux.nag.64.mpiuni.default -L/home/scvasque/proj4/lib -L/usr/local/other/SLES11.1/gcc/4.8.1/lib64/../lib64/
ESMF_F90LINKRPATHS: -Wl,-Wl,,-rpath,,/discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/lib/libg/Linux.nag.64.mpiuni.default  -Wl,-Wl,,-rpath,,/home/scvasque/proj4/lib -Wl,-Wl,,-rpath,,/usr/local/other/SLES11.1/gcc/4.8.1/lib64/../lib64/
ESMF_F90LINKLIBS:  -lrt -lstdc++ -ldl -lproj
ESMF_F90ESMFLINKLIBS: -lesmf  -lrt -lstdc++ -ldl -lproj

C++ compiler flags:
ESMF_CXXCOMPILEOPTS: -std=c++11 -g -fPIC -pthread
ESMF_CXXCOMPILEPATHS:  -I/discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/src/include  -I/home/scvasque/proj4/include -I/discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/src/Infrastructure/stubs/mpiuni -I/discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/src/prologue/yaml-cpp/include

C++ linker flags:
ESMF_CXXLINKOPTS:   -pthread -Wl,--no-as-needed
ESMF_CXXLINKPATHS: -L/discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/lib/libg/Linux.nag.64.mpiuni.default -L/home/scvasque/proj4/lib
ESMF_CXXLINKRPATHS: -Wl,-rpath,/discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/lib/libg/Linux.nag.64.mpiuni.default  -Wl,-rpath,/home/scvasque/proj4/lib
ESMF_CXXLINKLIBS:  -lrt -ldl -m64 /usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/lib/NAG_Fortran/f62init.o /usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/lib/NAG_Fortran/quickfit.o -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/lib/NAG_Fortran /usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/lib/NAG_Fortran/ /usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/lib/NAG_Fortran/libf62rts.a -lm -lproj
ESMF_CXXESMFLINKLIBS: -lesmf  -lrt -ldl -m64 /usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/lib/NAG_Fortran/f62init.o /usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/lib/NAG_Fortran/quickfit.o -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/lib/NAG_Fortran /usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/lib/NAG_Fortran/ /usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/lib/NAG_Fortran/libf62rts.a -lm -lproj

Shared library build:
ESMF_SL_SUFFIX:       so
ESMF_SL_LIBOPTS:       -shared

ESMF Tracing linker options:
ESMF_TRACE_STATICLINKOPTS=-static -Wl,--wrap=c_esmftrace_notify_wrappers -Wl,--wrap=c_esmftrace_isinitialized -Wl,--wrap=write -Wl,--wrap=writev -Wl,--wrap=pwrite -Wl,--wrap=read -Wl,--wrap=open -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Allgather -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Allgatherv -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Allreduce -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Alltoall -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Alltoallv -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Alltoallw -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Barrier -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Bcast -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Gather -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Gatherv -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Recv -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Reduce -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Scatter -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Send -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Sendrecv -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Wait -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Waitall -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Waitany -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Waitsome -Wl,--wrap=mpi_allgather_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_allgather__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_allgatherv_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_allgatherv__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_allreduce_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_allreduce__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_alltoall_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_alltoall__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_alltoallv_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_alltoallv__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_alltoallw_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_alltoallw__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_barrier_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_barrier__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_bcast_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_bcast__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_exscan_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_exscan__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_gather_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_gather__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_gatherv_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_gatherv__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_recv_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_recv__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_reduce_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_reduce__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_reduce_scatter_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_reduce_scatter__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_scatter_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_scatter__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_scatterv_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_scatterv__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_scan_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_scan__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_send_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_send__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_wait_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_wait__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_waitall_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_waitall__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_waitany_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_waitany__

Compiling on Thu May 21 04:04:30 EDT 2020 on discover01
Machine characteristics: Linux discover01 3.0.101-0.47.105-default #1 SMP Thu Jun 22 17:13:58 UTC 2017 (e1c7e3b) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Thu May 21 04:32:09 EDT 2020 library build -j16 ...........PASS
Builds with warnings.
Thu May 21 04:32:36 EDT 2020 library install -j4 ..........PASS
Thu May 21 04:32:36 EDT 2020 library installcheck -j4 .....PASS
Thu May 21 04:33:44 EDT 2020 quickstart build -j4 .........PASS

|------------------------ APPs TESTS --------------------------|
Thu May 21 04:33:48 EDT 2020 apps build -j4 ...............PASS

Thu May 21 04:48:33 EDT 2020 ESMF_Regrid --help ...........PASS
The following is the output of ESMF_Regrid --help

 Usage: ESMF_Regrid
                       --source|-s src_grid_filename
                       --destination|-d dst_grid_filename
                       --src_var varname1[,varname2,...]
                       --dst_var  varname1[,varname2,...]
                       [--tilefile_path tile_file_path]
                       [--dst_loc center|corner]
                       [--method|-m bilinear|patch|neareststod|nearestdtos|conserve|conserve2nd]
                       [--pole|-p all|none|teeth|]
 --source or -s - a required argument specifying the source grid file
 --destination or -d - a required argument specifying the destination grid
               file name
 --src_var  - a required argument specifying the variable names to be regridded
               in the source grid file.  If more than one, separated them with
 --dst_var  - a required argument specifying the destination variable name in
               the destination grid file.  If more than one, separated them with
               comma.  The number of dst_vars has to be the same as the number
               of src_var
 --srcdatafile - If the source grid is of type MOSAIC, the data is stored 
               in separated files, one per tile. srcdatafile is the prefix of
               the source data file.  The filename is,
               where tilename is the tile name defined in the source grid file
 --dstdatafile - If the destination grid is of type MOSAIC, the data is stored
               in separated files, one per tile. dstdatafile is the prefix of
               the destination data file.  The filename is,
                where tilename is the tile name defined in the destination grid file
 --tilefile_path - The alternative file path for the tile files and mosaic data files
               when either srcFile or dstFile is a GRIDSPEC MOSAIC grid.  The path
               can be either relative or absolute.  If it is relative, it is
               relative to the working directory.  When specified, the gridlocation
               variable defined in the Mosaic file will be ignored.
 --method or -m - an optional argument specifying which interpolation method is
               used.  The default method is bilinear
 --pole or -p - an optional argument indicating what to do with the pole.
               The default value is all
 --ignore_unmapped or -i - ignore unmapped destination points. If not specified,
               the default is to stop with an error.
 --ignore_degenerate - ignore degenerate cells in the input grids. If not specified,
               the default is to stop with an error.
 -r          - an optional argument specifying the source and destination grids
               are regional grids.  Without this argument, the grids are assumed
               to be global. This argument only applies to the GRIDSPEC file
 --src_regional   - an optional argument specifying the source grid is regional.
               Without this argument, the src grids is assumed to be global. This 
               argument only applies to the GRIDSPEC file
 --dst_regional   - an optional argument specifying the destination grid is regional
               Without this argument, the dst grids is assumed to be global.
               This argument only applies to the GRIDSPEC file
 --check    - Check the regridded fields by comparing the values with
              a synthetic field calculated based on its coordinates. 
              The mean relative error between the destination field 
              and synthetic field is computed.  The synthetic value is calculated as 
              data(i,j,k,l)=2.0+(k-1)+2*(l-1)+cos(lat(i,j))**2*cos(2*lon(i,j)), assuming
              it is a 2D grid 
 --no_log    - Turn off the ESMF error log.
 --help     - Print this help message and exit.
 --version  - Print ESMF version and license information and exit.
 -V        - Print ESMF version number and exit.
 For questions, comments, or feature requests please send email to:
 Visit to find out more about the
 Earth System Modeling Framework.

Thu May 21 04:48:33 EDT 2020 ESMF_Regrid --version ........PASS
The following is the output of ESMF_Regrid --version

   ESMF_VERSION_STRING:       8.0.1
   ESMF_VERSION_MAJOR:         8
   ESMF_VERSION_MINOR:         0
 Earth System Modeling Framework
 Copyright (c) 2002-2020 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory,
 University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental Prediction,
 Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
 All rights reserved.
 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to
 deal with the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
 rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
 sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
    1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
       this list of conditions and the following disclaimers.
    2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in the
       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
    3. Neither the names of the organizations developing this software, nor
       the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
       derived from this Software without specific prior written permission.

Thu May 21 04:48:33 EDT 2020 ESMF_Regrid -V ...............PASS
The following is the output of ESMF_Regrid -V

   ESMF_VERSION_STRING:       8.0.1

Thu May 21 04:48:33 EDT 2020 ESMF_Info --help .............PASS
The following is the output of ESMF_Info --help 

 ESMF_Info: Print information about the ESMF installation.
   --help        Display this information and exit.
   --version     Display ESMF version and license information and exit.
   -V            Display ESMF version string and exit.

Thu May 21 04:48:33 EDT 2020 ESMF_Info --version ..........PASS
The following is the output of ESMF_Info --version 

   ESMF_VERSION_STRING:       8.0.1
   ESMF_VERSION_MAJOR:         8
   ESMF_VERSION_MINOR:         0
 Earth System Modeling Framework
 Copyright (c) 2002-2020 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory,
 University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental Prediction,
 Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
 All rights reserved.
 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to
 deal with the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
 rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
 sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
    1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
       this list of conditions and the following disclaimers.
    2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in the
       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
    3. Neither the names of the organizations developing this software, nor
       the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
       derived from this Software without specific prior written permission.

Thu May 21 04:48:33 EDT 2020 ESMF_Info -V .................PASS
The following is the output of ESMF_Info -V 

   ESMF_VERSION_STRING:       8.0.1

Thu May 21 04:48:33 EDT 2020 ESMF_InfoC --help ............PASS
The following is the output of ESMF_InfoC --help

ESMF_InfoC: Print information about the ESMF installation.
  --help        Display this information and exit.
  --version     Display ESMF version and license information and exit.
  -V            Display ESMF version string and exit.

Thu May 21 04:48:33 EDT 2020 ESMF_InfoC --version .........PASS
The following is the output of ESMF_InfoC --version

   ESMF_VERSION_STRING:       8.0.1
   ESMF_VERSION_MAJOR:         8
   ESMF_VERSION_MINOR:         0
 Earth System Modeling Framework
 Copyright (c) 2002-2020 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory,
 University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental Prediction,
 Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
 All rights reserved.
 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to
 deal with the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
 rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
 sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
    1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
       this list of conditions and the following disclaimers.
    2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in the
       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
    3. Neither the names of the organizations developing this software, nor
       the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
       derived from this Software without specific prior written permission.

Thu May 21 04:48:33 EDT 2020 ESMF_InfoC -V ................PASS
The following is the output of ESMF_InfoC -V

   ESMF_VERSION_STRING:       8.0.1

Thu May 21 04:48:33 EDT 2020 ESMF_RegridWeightGen --help ..PASS
The following is the output of ESMF_RegridWeightGen --help

 Usage: ESMF_RegridWeightGen --source|-s src_grid_filename
                            --destination|-d dst_grid_filename
                       --weight|-w out_weight_file 
                       [--method|-m bilinear|patch|neareststod|nearestdtos|conserve|conserve2nd]
                       [--pole|-p all|none|teeth|]
                       [--line_type|-l cartesian|greatcircle]
                       [--norm_type dstarea|fracarea]
                       [--extrap_method none|neareststod|nearestidavg|creep]
                       [--extrap_num_src_pnts ]

] [--extrap_num_levels ] [--ignore_unmapped|-i] [--ignore_degenerate] [-r] [--src_regional] [--dst_regional] [--64bit_offset] [--netcdf4] [--weight_only] [--src_missingvalue src_var_name] [--dst_missingvalue dst_var_name] [--src_coordinates lon_var_name,lat_var_name] [--dst_coordinates lon_var_name,lat_var_name] [--user_areas] [--src_loc center|corner] [--dst_loc center|corner] [--tilefile_path tile_file_path] [--no_log] [--check] [--help] [--version] [-V] where --source or -s - a required argument specifying the source grid file name --destination or -d - a required argument specifying the destination grid file name --weight or -w - a required argument specifying the output regridding weight file name --method or -m - an optional argument specifying which interpolation method is used. The default method is bilinear. --pole or -p - an optional argument indicating what to do with the pole. The default value is all. --line_type or -l - an optional argument indicating the type of path lines (e.g. cell edges) follow on a spherical surface. The default value depends on the regrid method. For non-conservative methods the default is cartesian. For conservative methods the default is greatcircle. --norm_type - an optional argument indicating the type of normalization to do when generating conserative weights. The default value is dstarea. --extrap_method - an optional argument specifying which extrapolation method is used. The default method is none. --extrap_num_src_pnts - an optional argument specifying how many source points should be used when the extrapolation method is nearestidavg. The default is 8. --extrap_dist_exponent - an optional argument specifying the exponent that the distance should be raised to when the extrapolation method is nearestidavg. The default is 2.0. --extrap_num_levels - an optional argument specifying how many levels should be filled for level based extrapolation methods (e.g. creep). --ignore_unmapped or -i - ignore unmapped destination points. If not specified, the default is to stop with an error. --ignore_degenerate - ignore degenerate cells in the input grids. If not specified, the default is to stop with an error. -r - an optional argument specifying the source and destination grids are regional grids. Without this argument, the grids are assumed to be global --src_regional - an optional argument specifying the source grid is regional. Without this argument, the src grids is assumed to be global. --dst_regional - an optional argument specifying the destination grid is regional Without this argument, the dst grids is assumed to be global. --64bit_offset - an optional argument specifying the output weight file is in NetCDF 64-bit offset format. This option only works with NetCDF library version 3.6 and above --netcdf4 - an optional argument specifying the output weight file is in the NetCDF4 format. This option only works with NetCDF library version 4.1 and above --weight_only - an Optional argument specifying the output weight file only contains the weights and the source and destination grid's indices. --src_missingvalue - an optional argument used when the src file type is GRIDSPEC or UGRID. It defines the variable name whose 'missing_value' or '_FillValue' attribute will be used to construct the mask for the source grid. Without this argument,a GRIDSPEC file or a UGRID file is not masked. --dst_missingvalue - an optional argument used when the destination file type is GRIDSPEC or UGRID. It defines the variable name whose 'missing_value' or '_FillValue' attribute will be used to construct the mask for the destination grid. Without this argument,a GRIDSPEC file or a UGRID file is not masked. --src_coordinates - an optional argument used when the source grid type is GRIDSPEC. It defines the longitude and latitude variable names separated by comma, in case there are multiple coordinate variables defined in the file --dst_coordinates - an optional argument used when the destination grid type is GRIDSPEC. It defines the longitude and latitude variable names separated by comma, in case there are multiple coordinate variables defined in the file --user_areas - an optional argument specifying that the conservation is adjusted to hold for the user areas provided in the grid files. If not specified, then the conservation will hold for the ESMF calculated (great circle) areas. Whichever areas the conservation holds for are output to the weight file. --src_loc - an optional argument specifying which location is used to do the regridding The location can be either 'center' or 'corner'. Currently, this argument is only required when the source grid file is an unstructured grid defined in UGRID or ESMF format and the regridding method is non-conservative. For all other cases, the default location is 'center'. --dst_loc - an optional argument specifying which location is used to do the regridding The location can be either 'center' or 'corner'. Currently, this argument is 'center'. Currently, this argument will only be used when the is only required when the destination grid file is an unstructured grid defined in UGRID or ESMF format and the regridding method is non-conservative. For all other cases, the default location is 'center'. --tilefile_path - the alternative file path for the tile files when the grid file type is MOSAIC. --no_log - Turn off the ESMF logs. --check - Check that the generated weights produce reasonable regridded fields. This is done by calling ESMF_FieldRegrid() on an analytic source field using the weights generated by this application. The mean relative error between the destination and analytic field is computed, as well as the relative error between the mass of the source and destination fields in the conservative case. --help - Print this help message and exit. --version - Print ESMF version and license information and exit. -V - Print ESMF version number and exit. For questions, comments, or feature requests please send email to: Visit to find out more about the Earth System Modeling Framework. |--------------------------------------------------------------| Thu May 21 04:48:33 EDT 2020 ESMF_RegridWeightGen --version PASS The following is the output of ESMF_RegridWeightGen --version ESMF_VERSION_STRING: 8.0.1 ESMF_VERSION_MAJOR: 8 ESMF_VERSION_MINOR: 0 ESMF_VERSION_REVISION: 1 ESMF_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL: 1 ESMF_VERSION_PUBLIC: T ESMF_VERSION_BETASNAPSHOT: F Earth System Modeling Framework Copyright (c) 2002-2020 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal with the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the names of the organizations developing this software, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this Software without specific prior written permission. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS WITH THE SOFTWARE. |--------------------------------------------------------------| Thu May 21 04:48:33 EDT 2020 ESMF_RegridWeightGen -V ......PASS The following is the output of ESMF_RegridWeightGen -V ESMF_VERSION_STRING: 8.0.1 |--------------------------------------------------------------| Thu May 21 04:48:33 EDT 2020 ESMF_Scrip2Unstruct --help ...PASS The following is the output of ESMF_Scrip2Unstruct --help ESMF_Scrip2Unstruct: Convert an unstructured grid file in SCRIP format into either a ESMF unstructured file or a UGRID file format. Usage: ESMF_Scrip2Unstruct [--help] [--version] [-V] inputfile outputfile dualflag [fileformat] [--help] Display this information and exit. [--version] Display ESMF version and license information and exit. [-V] Display ESMF version string and exit. inputfile input grid filename outputfile output filename dualflag 1 to generate a dual mesh, 0 for non-dual mesh [fileformat] Either ESMF or UGRID, the default is ESMF |--------------------------------------------------------------| Thu May 21 04:48:33 EDT 2020 ESMF_Scrip2Unstruct --version PASS The following is the output of ESMF_Scrip2Unstruct --version ESMF_VERSION_STRING: 8.0.1 ESMF_VERSION_MAJOR: 8 ESMF_VERSION_MINOR: 0 ESMF_VERSION_REVISION: 1 ESMF_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL: 1 ESMF_VERSION_PUBLIC: T ESMF_VERSION_BETASNAPSHOT: F Earth System Modeling Framework Copyright (c) 2002-2020 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal with the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the names of the organizations developing this software, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this Software without specific prior written permission. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS WITH THE SOFTWARE. |--------------------------------------------------------------| Thu May 21 04:48:34 EDT 2020 ESMF_Scrip2Unstruct -V .......PASS The following is the output of ESMF_Scrip2Unstruct -V ESMF_VERSION_STRING: 8.0.1 |--------------------------------------------------------------| Thu May 21 04:48:34 EDT 2020 ESMF_WebServController --help PASS The following is the output of ESMF_WebServController --help ESMF_WebServController: Run a Process Controller that provides access to an ESMF Web Service enabled Component. Usage: ESMF_WebServController [--help] [--version] [-V] procCtrlPort registrarHost registrarPort [--help] Display this information and exit. [--version] Display ESMF version and license information and exit. [-V] Display ESMF version string and exit. procCtrlPort Port num for Process Controller listener. registrarHost Host name on which Registrar is running. registrarPort Port num on which Registrar is listening. runScriptDir Directory containing run script. runScriptFile File name of run script. |--------------------------------------------------------------| Thu May 21 04:48:34 EDT 2020 ESMF_WebServController --version PASS The following is the output of ESMF_WebServController --version ESMF_VERSION_STRING: 8.0.1 ESMF_VERSION_MAJOR: 8 ESMF_VERSION_MINOR: 0 ESMF_VERSION_REVISION: 1 ESMF_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL: 1 ESMF_VERSION_PUBLIC: T ESMF_VERSION_BETASNAPSHOT: F Earth System Modeling Framework Copyright (c) 2002-2020 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal with the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the names of the organizations developing this software, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this Software without specific prior written permission. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS WITH THE SOFTWARE. |--------------------------------------------------------------| Thu May 21 04:48:34 EDT 2020 ESMF_WebServController -V ....PASS The following is the output of ESMF_WebServController -V ESMF_VERSION_STRING: 8.0.1 Ran 18 applications tests, 18 passed and 0 failed. |----------------------- SYSTEM TESTS -------------------------| Thu May 21 04:49:40 EDT 2020 build_system_tests -j4 .......PASS Thu May 21 04:50:53 EDT 2020 run_system_tests_uni .........PASS The following system tests passed: PASS: mpiuni/g: src/system_tests/ESMF_ArraySharedDeSSI/ESMF_ArraySharedDeSSISTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/system_tests/ESMF_AttributeCIM/ESMF_AttributeCIMSTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/system_tests/ESMF_CompCreate/ESMF_CompCreateSTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/system_tests/ESMF_CompFortranAndC/ESMF_CompFortranAndCSTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/system_tests/ESMF_FieldBundleRedistArb2Arb/ESMF_FieldBundleRedistArb2ArbSTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/system_tests/ESMF_FieldBundleRedistBlk2Arb/ESMF_FieldBundleRedistBlk2ArbSTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/system_tests/ESMF_FieldRedistArb2Arb/ESMF_FieldRedistArb2ArbSTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/system_tests/ESMF_XGridSerial/ESMF_XGridSerialSTest.F90 The stdout files for the system_tests can be found at: /discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/test/testg/Linux.nag.64.mpiuni.default Found 8 single processor system tests, 8 passed and 0 failed. |------------------------- EXAMPLES ---------------------------| Thu May 21 04:52:55 EDT 2020 build_examples -j4 ...........PASS Thu May 21 04:54:20 EDT 2020 run_examples_uni .............PASS The following examples passed: PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/ArraySpec/examples/ESMF_ArraySpecEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Config/examples/ESMF_ConfigOverviewEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/DELayout/examples/ESMF_DELayoutEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Field/examples/ESMF_FieldArbGridEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/FieldBundle/examples/ESMF_FieldBundleCreateEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Grid/examples/ESMF_GridCreateRegFromDGEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Grid/examples/ESMF_GridUsageEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/LocStream/examples/ESMF_LocStreamEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/LogErr/examples/ESMF_LogErrEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Route/examples/ESMF_RHandleDynamicMaskingEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Route/examples/ESMF_RHandleFromFileEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Route/examples/ESMF_RHandleReusabilityEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/examples/ESMF_AlarmEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/examples/ESMF_CalendarEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/examples/ESMF_ClockEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/examples/ESMF_TimeEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/examples/ESMF_TimeIntervalEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Trace/examples/ESMF_TraceEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Trace/examples/ESMF_TraceUserEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/examples/ESMF_VMAllFullReduceEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/examples/ESMF_VMComponentEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/examples/ESMF_VMDefaultBasicsEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/examples/ESMF_VMGetMPICommunicatorEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/examples/ESMF_VMHigherRankDataEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/examples/ESMF_VMNonBlockingEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/examples/ESMF_VMScatterVMGatherEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/examples/ESMF_VMSendVMRecvEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/examples/ESMF_VMUserMpiCommEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/examples/ESMF_VMUserMpiCommMultiEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/examples/ESMF_VMUserMpiEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/XGrid/examples/ESMF_XGridSparseMatEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttachMethods/examples/ESMF_AttachMethodsEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/examples/ESMF_AttReadCustCplCompEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/examples/ESMF_AttReadFieldEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/examples/ESMF_AttReadGridCompEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/examples/ESMF_AttributeCIMEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/examples/ESMF_AttributeCustPackEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/examples/ESMF_AttributeEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/examples/ESMF_AttributeInternalInfoEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/examples/ESMF_AttributePackageEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/Component/examples/ESMF_AppMainEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/Component/examples/ESMF_CplEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/Component/examples/ESMF_GCompEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/Component/examples/ESMF_InternalStateEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/Component/examples/ESMF_InternalStateModEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/Component/examples/ESMF_SCompEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/State/examples/ESMF_StateEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/State/examples/ESMF_StateReadWriteEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/State/examples/ESMF_StateReconcileEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/addon/NUOPC/examples/ESMF_NUOPCAtmModelEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/addon/NUOPC/examples/ESMF_NUOPCBasicModelEx.F90 The stdout files for the examples can be found at: /discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/examples/examplesg/Linux.nag.64.mpiuni.default Found 51 single processor examples, 51 passed and 0 failed. |-------------------- EXHAUSTIVE UNIT TESTS -------------------| Thu May 21 05:00:39 EDT 2020 build_unit_tests -j4 .........PASS Thu May 21 05:09:01 EDT 2020 run_unit_tests_uni ...........PASS The unit tests in the following files all pass: PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Array/tests/ESMC_ArrayUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Array/tests/ESMF_ArrayDataUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Array/tests/ESMF_ArraySMMFromFileUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Array/tests/ESMF_ArraySMMUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/ArrayBundle/tests/ESMF_ArrayBundleCreateUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/ArrayBundle/tests/ESMF_ArrayBundleRedistUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/ArraySpec/tests/ESMC_ArraySpecUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/ArraySpec/tests/ESMF_ArraySpecUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Base/tests/ESMF_BaseUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Config/tests/ESMC_ConfigUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Config/tests/ESMF_ConfigUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Container/tests/ESMF_ContainerUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/DELayout/tests/ESMF_DELayoutUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/DELayout/tests/ESMF_DELayoutWorkQueueUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/DistGrid/tests/ESMC_DistGridUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/DistGrid/tests/ESMF_DistGridCreateGetUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMC_FieldGridGridRegridCsrvUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMC_FieldGridGridRegridUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMC_FieldGridRegrid2UTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMC_FieldGridRegridCsrv2UTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMC_FieldGridRegridCsrvUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMC_FieldGridRegridUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMC_FieldRegridCsrvUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMC_FieldRegridUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMC_FieldSMMFromFileUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMC_FieldUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMF_FieldArbGridUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMF_FieldRedistArbUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMF_FieldRegridCSUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMF_FieldRegridCsrv2ndUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMF_FieldRegridCsrvUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMF_FieldRegridUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMF_FieldRegridXGUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMF_FieldSMMFromFileUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMF_FieldStressUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/FieldBundle/tests/ESMF_FieldBundleRegridUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/FieldBundle/tests/ESMF_FieldBundleUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Grid/tests/ESMC_GridUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Grid/tests/ESMF_GridArbitraryUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Grid/tests/ESMF_GridCoordUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Grid/tests/ESMF_GridCreateUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Grid/tests/ESMF_GridItemUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/IO/tests/ESMCI_IO_NetCDFUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/IO/tests/ESMCI_IO_PIOUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/IO/tests/ESMC_IO_InqUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/IO/tests/ESMF_IOUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/IO/tests/ESMF_IO_PIOUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/IO/tests/ESMF_IO_YAMLUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/LocStream/tests/ESMC_LocStreamUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/LocStream/tests/ESMF_LocStreamUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/LocalArray/tests/ESMF_LocalArrayDataUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/LocalArray/tests/ESMF_LocalArrayUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/LogErr/tests/ESMC_LogErrPerfUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/LogErr/tests/ESMC_LogErrUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/LogErr/tests/ESMF_LogErrPerfUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/LogErr/tests/ESMF_LogErrUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Mesh/tests/ESMC_MBMesh_BilinearSingleElemUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Mesh/tests/ESMC_MBMesh_BilinearUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Mesh/tests/ESMC_MBMesh_CreateUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Mesh/tests/ESMC_MBMesh_SearchUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Mesh/tests/ESMC_MBMesh_UtilUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Mesh/tests/ESMC_MeshMOABUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Mesh/tests/ESMC_MeshUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Mesh/tests/ESMC_Proj4UTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Mesh/tests/ESMF_MeshOpUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Mesh/tests/ESMF_MeshUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/PointList/tests/ESMF_PointListUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Route/tests/ESMF_RouteHandleUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/tests/ESMC_CalendarUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/tests/ESMC_ClockUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/tests/ESMC_TimeIntervalUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/tests/ESMC_TimeUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/tests/ESMF_AlarmUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/tests/ESMF_CalRangeUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/tests/ESMF_CalendarUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/tests/ESMF_ClockUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/tests/ESMF_TimeIntervalUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/tests/ESMF_TimeUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Trace/tests/ESMC_TraceRegionUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Trace/tests/ESMF_ProfileUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Trace/tests/ESMF_TraceClkMonoSyncUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Trace/tests/ESMF_TraceClkMonoUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Trace/tests/ESMF_TraceIOUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Trace/tests/ESMF_TraceMPIUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Trace/tests/ESMF_TraceUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Util/tests/ESMF_FortranWordsizeUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Util/tests/ESMF_InitMacrosUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Util/tests/ESMF_TypeKindGetUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/Util/tests/ESMF_UtilUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMC_VMUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMAccUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMAllGatherUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMAllGatherVUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMAllToAllUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMAllToAllVUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMBarrierUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMBroadcastUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMComponentUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMGatherUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMOpenMPUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMScatterUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMSendNbVMRecvNbUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMSendRecvNbUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMSendRecvUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMUserMpiInitUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/XGrid/tests/ESMC_XGridUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/XGrid/tests/ESMF_XGridMaskingUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Infrastructure/XGrid/tests/ESMF_XGridUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttInternalGridUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttPackABundleUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttPackArrayUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttPackCplCompUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttPackDistGridUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttPackFBundleUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttPackFieldUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttPackGridCompUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttPackGridUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttPackLocStreamUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttPackSciCompUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttPackStateUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttReadCplCompUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttReadFieldUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttReadGridCompUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeABundleUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeArrayUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeAutoLinkUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeCplCompUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeDistGridUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeFBundleUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeFieldUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeGridCompUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeGridUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeJSONUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeLocStreamUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeSciCompUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeStateUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeWriteInternalUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeXMLUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/Component/tests/ESMC_ComponentUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/Component/tests/ESMF_CompSetServUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/Component/tests/ESMF_ComponentUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/Component/tests/ESMF_CplCompCreateUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/Component/tests/ESMF_GridCompCreateUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/Component/tests/ESMF_SciCompCreateUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/Component/tests/ESMF_StdCompMethodsUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/ESMFMod/tests/ESMF_FrameworkUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/IOAPI/tests/ESMF_IOCompUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/PreESMFMod/tests/ESMF_FileRegridUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/PreESMFMod/tests/ESMF_RegridWeightGenUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/State/tests/ESMC_StateUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/State/tests/ESMF_StateCreateUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/State/tests/ESMF_StateReadWriteUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/Superstructure/State/tests/ESMF_StateUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/addon/NUOPC/tests/ESMF_NUOPC_UTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/epilogue/tests/ESMCI_TestUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/epilogue/tests/ESMC_TestUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/epilogue/tests/ESMF_TestUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/prologue/tests/ESMCI_ExceptionsUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/prologue/tests/ESMCI_FeatureUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/g: src/prologue/tests/ESMF_F90ArrayPtrUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/prologue/tests/ESMF_FeatureUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/prologue/tests/ESMF_LAPACKUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/prologue/tests/ESMF_StringUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/g: src/prologue/tests/ESMF_WordsizeUTest.F90 The following test harness unit tests pass: PASS: mpiuni/g: ESMF_array_default_NP1UTest PASS: mpiuni/g: ESMF_field_default_NP1UTest The log and stdout files for the unit tests can be found at: /discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/test/testg/Linux.nag.64.mpiuni.default Found 7536 exhaustive single processor unit tests, 7536 passed and 0 failed. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Thu May 21 05:10:53 EDT 2020 on discover01 ESMF Checkout Source: Compiler and configuration information: -------------------------------------------------------------- Currently Loaded Modulefiles: 1) comp/nag-6.2-6204 2) other/comp/gcc-4.8.1 3) other/git-2.21.0 Repository: origin (fetch) origin (push) ESMF_8_0_1 -------------------------------------------------------------- ESMF_VERSION_STRING: 8.0.1 ESMF_8_0_1 -------------------------------------------------------------- HEAD detached at origin/ESMF_8_0_1branch Untracked files: (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed) queue_results src/installcheck/esmc_application src/installcheck/esmc_application.o src/installcheck/esmf_application src/installcheck/esmf_application.o tmp nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Make version: GNU Make 3.81 Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This program built for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -------------------------------------------------------------- Fortran Compiler version: NAG Fortran Compiler Release 6.2(Chiyoda) Build 6204 Product NPL6A62NA for x86-64 Linux Copyright 1990-2017 The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd., Oxford, U.K. -------------------------------------------------------------- C++ Compiler version: g++ (GCC) 4.8.1 Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -------------------------------------------------------------- Preprocessor version: gcc (GCC) 4.8.1 Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -------------------------------------------------------------- * User set ESMF environment variables * ESMF_ABI=64 ESMF_BOPT=O ESMF_COMM=mpiuni ESMF_COMPILER=nag ESMF_DIR=/discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf ESMF_INSTALL_PREFIX=/discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/../install_dir ESMF_OS=Linux ESMF_PROJ4=external ESMF_PROJ4_INCLUDE=/home/scvasque/proj4/include ESMF_PROJ4_LIBPATH=/home/scvasque/proj4/lib ESMF_SITE=default ESMF_TESTEXHAUSTIVE=ON ESMF_TESTHARNESS_ARRAY=RUN_ESMF_TestHarnessArrayUNI_default ESMF_TESTHARNESS_FIELD=RUN_ESMF_TestHarnessFieldUNI_default ESMF_TESTMPMD=OFF ESMF_TESTWITHTHREADS=OFF -------------------------------------------------------------- * ESMF environment variables * ESMF_DIR: /discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf ESMF_OS: Linux ESMF_MACHINE: x86_64 ESMF_ABI: 64 ESMF_COMPILER: nag ESMF_BOPT: O ESMF_OPTLEVEL: 0 ESMF_COMM: mpiuni ESMF_SITE: default ESMF_PTHREADS: ON ESMF_OPENMP: OFF ESMF_OPENACC: OFF ESMF_CXXSTD: 11 ESMF_ARRAY_LITE: FALSE ESMF_NO_INTEGER_1_BYTE: TRUE ESMF_NO_INTEGER_2_BYTE: TRUE ESMF_FORTRANSYMBOLS: default ESMF_MAPPER_BUILD: OFF ESMF_AUTO_LIB_BUILD: ON ESMF_DEFER_LIB_BUILD: ON ESMF_SHARED_LIB_BUILD: ON ESMF_TRACE_LIB_BUILD: ON ESMF_TESTEXHAUSTIVE: ON ESMF_TESTCOMPTUNNEL: ON ESMF_TESTWITHTHREADS: OFF ESMF_TESTMPMD: OFF ESMF_TESTSHAREDOBJ: OFF ESMF_TESTFORCEOPENMP: OFF ESMF_TESTFORCEOPENACC: OFF ESMF_TESTHARNESS_ARRAY: RUN_ESMF_TestHarnessArrayUNI_default ESMF_TESTHARNESS_FIELD: RUN_ESMF_TestHarnessFieldUNI_default ESMF_MPIRUN: /discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/src/Infrastructure/stubs/mpiuni/mpirun -------------------------------------------------------------- * ESMF environment variables pointing to 3rd party software * ESMF_MOAB: internal ESMF_LAPACK: internal ESMF_ACC_SOFTWARE_STACK: none ESMF_YAMLCPP: internal ESMF_PROJ4: external ESMF_PROJ4_INCLUDE: /home/scvasque/proj4/include ESMF_PROJ4_LIBS: -lproj ESMF_PROJ4_LIBPATH: /home/scvasque/proj4/lib -------------------------------------------------------------- * ESMF environment variables for final installation * ESMF_INSTALL_PREFIX: /discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/../install_dir ESMF_INSTALL_HEADERDIR: include ESMF_INSTALL_MODDIR: mod/modO/Linux.nag.64.mpiuni.default ESMF_INSTALL_LIBDIR: lib/libO/Linux.nag.64.mpiuni.default ESMF_INSTALL_BINDIR: bin/binO/Linux.nag.64.mpiuni.default ESMF_INSTALL_DOCDIR: doc -------------------------------------------------------------- * ESMF Benchmark directory and parameters * ESMF_BENCHMARK_PREFIX: ./DEFAULTBENCHMARKDIR ESMF_BENCHMARK_TOLERANCE: 20% ESMF_BENCHMARK_THRESHOLD_MSEC: 500 -------------------------------------------------------------- * Other relevant environment variables * PATH: /gpfsm/dulocal/sles11/other/SLES11.3/git/2.21.0/libexec/git-core:/gpfsm/dulocal/sles11/other/SLES11.3/git/2.21.0/bin:/usr/local/other/SLES11.1/gcc/4.8.1/bin:/usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/bin:/home/scvasque/bin:/home/scvasque/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/games:/opt/kde3/bin:/opt/ibutils/bin:/usr/lib/mit/bin:/usr/lib/mit/sbin:/usr/slurm/bin LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /gpfsm/dulocal/sles11/other/SLES11.3/git/2.21.0/lib:/usr/local/other/SLES11.1/gcc/4.8.1/lib64:/usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/lib -------------------------------------------------------------- * Compilers, Linkers, Flags, and Libraries * Location of the preprocessor: /usr/local/other/SLES11.1/gcc/4.8.1/bin/gcc Location of the Fortran compiler: /usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/bin/nagfor Location of the Fortran linker: /usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/bin/nagfor Location of the C++ compiler: /usr/local/other/SLES11.1/gcc/4.8.1/bin/g++ Location of the C++ linker: /usr/local/other/SLES11.1/gcc/4.8.1/bin/g++ Fortran compiler flags: ESMF_F90COMPILER: nagfor ESMF_F90COMPILEOPTS: -O0 -pic -DESMF_NAG_UNIX_MODULE -dusty -thread_safe ESMF_F90COMPILEPATHS: -I/discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/mod/modO/Linux.nag.64.mpiuni.default -I/discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/src/include -I/home/scvasque/proj4/include ESMF_F90COMPILECPPFLAGS: -DESMF_NO_INTEGER_1_BYTE -DESMF_NO_INTEGER_2_BYTE -DESMFVERSIONGIT='ESMF_8_0_1' -DESMF_LAPACK=1 -DESMF_LAPACK_INTERNAL=1 -DESMF_MOAB=1 -DESMF_NO_ACC_SOFTWARE_STACK=1 -DESMF_YAMLCPP=1 -DESMF_YAML=1 -DESMF_PROJ4=1 -DESMF_NO_OPENMP -DESMF_NO_OPENACC -DESMF_TESTEXHAUSTIVE -DESMF_BOPT_O -DESMF_TESTCOMPTUNNEL -DS64=1 -DESMF_OS_Linux=1 -DESMF_COMM=mpiuni -DESMF_DIR=/discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf -DESMF_MPIUNI ESMF_F90COMPILEFREECPP: ESMF_F90COMPILEFREENOCPP: -free ESMF_F90COMPILEFIXCPP: -fixed -fpp ESMF_F90COMPILEFIXNOCPP: Fortran linker flags: ESMF_F90LINKOPTS: -thread_safe -Wl,-Wl,,--no-as-needed ESMF_F90LINKPATHS: -L/discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/lib/libO/Linux.nag.64.mpiuni.default -L/home/scvasque/proj4/lib -L/usr/local/other/SLES11.1/gcc/4.8.1/lib64/../lib64/ ESMF_F90LINKRPATHS: -Wl,-Wl,,-rpath,,/discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/lib/libO/Linux.nag.64.mpiuni.default -Wl,-Wl,,-rpath,,/home/scvasque/proj4/lib -Wl,-Wl,,-rpath,,/usr/local/other/SLES11.1/gcc/4.8.1/lib64/../lib64/ ESMF_F90LINKLIBS: -lrt -lstdc++ -ldl -lproj ESMF_F90ESMFLINKLIBS: -lesmf -lrt -lstdc++ -ldl -lproj C++ compiler flags: ESMF_CXXCOMPILER: g++ ESMF_CXXCOMPILEOPTS: -std=c++11 -O0 -DNDEBUG -fPIC -pthread ESMF_CXXCOMPILEPATHS: -I/discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/src/include -I/home/scvasque/proj4/include -I/discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/src/Infrastructure/stubs/mpiuni -I/discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/src/prologue/yaml-cpp/include ESMF_CXXCOMPILECPPFLAGS: -DESMF_NO_INTEGER_1_BYTE -DESMF_NO_INTEGER_2_BYTE -DESMFVERSIONGIT='ESMF_8_0_1' -DESMF_LAPACK=1 -DESMF_LAPACK_INTERNAL=1 -DESMF_MOAB=1 -DESMF_NO_ACC_SOFTWARE_STACK=1 -DESMF_YAMLCPP=1 -DESMF_YAML=1 -DESMF_PROJ4=1 -DESMF_NO_OPENMP -DESMF_NO_OPENACC -DESMF_TESTEXHAUSTIVE -DESMF_BOPT_O -DESMF_TESTCOMPTUNNEL -DS64=1 -DESMF_OS_Linux=1 -DESMF_COMM=mpiuni -DESMF_DIR=/discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf -D__SDIR__='' -DESMF_CXXSTD=11 -DESMF_MPIUNI C++ linker flags: ESMF_CXXLINKOPTS: -pthread -Wl,--no-as-needed ESMF_CXXLINKPATHS: -L/discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/lib/libO/Linux.nag.64.mpiuni.default -L/home/scvasque/proj4/lib ESMF_CXXLINKRPATHS: -Wl,-rpath,/discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/lib/libO/Linux.nag.64.mpiuni.default -Wl,-rpath,/home/scvasque/proj4/lib ESMF_CXXLINKLIBS: -lrt -ldl -m64 /usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/lib/NAG_Fortran/f62init.o /usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/lib/NAG_Fortran/quickfit.o -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/lib/NAG_Fortran /usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/lib/NAG_Fortran/ /usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/lib/NAG_Fortran/libf62rts.a -lm -lproj ESMF_CXXESMFLINKLIBS: -lesmf -lrt -ldl -m64 /usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/lib/NAG_Fortran/f62init.o /usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/lib/NAG_Fortran/quickfit.o -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/lib/NAG_Fortran /usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/lib/NAG_Fortran/ /usr/local/nag/6.2-6204/lib/NAG_Fortran/libf62rts.a -lm -lproj Shared library build: ESMF_SL_LIBS_TO_MAKE: libesmf ESMF_SL_SUFFIX: so ESMF_SL_LIBLINKER: g++ ESMF_SL_LIBOPTS: -shared ESMF_SL_LIBLIBS: ESMF Tracing linker options: ESMF_TRACE_LDPRELOAD=/discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/lib/libO/Linux.nag.64.mpiuni.default/ ESMF_TRACE_STATICLINKOPTS=-static -Wl,--wrap=c_esmftrace_notify_wrappers -Wl,--wrap=c_esmftrace_isinitialized -Wl,--wrap=write -Wl,--wrap=writev -Wl,--wrap=pwrite -Wl,--wrap=read -Wl,--wrap=open -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Allgather -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Allgatherv -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Allreduce -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Alltoall -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Alltoallv -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Alltoallw -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Barrier -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Bcast -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Gather -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Gatherv -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Recv -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Reduce -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Scatter -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Send -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Sendrecv -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Wait -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Waitall -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Waitany -Wl,--wrap=MPI_Waitsome -Wl,--wrap=mpi_allgather_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_allgather__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_allgatherv_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_allgatherv__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_allreduce_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_allreduce__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_alltoall_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_alltoall__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_alltoallv_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_alltoallv__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_alltoallw_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_alltoallw__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_barrier_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_barrier__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_bcast_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_bcast__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_exscan_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_exscan__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_gather_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_gather__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_gatherv_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_gatherv__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_recv_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_recv__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_reduce_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_reduce__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_reduce_scatter_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_reduce_scatter__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_scatter_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_scatter__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_scatterv_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_scatterv__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_scan_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_scan__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_send_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_send__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_wait_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_wait__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_waitall_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_waitall__ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_waitany_ -Wl,--wrap=mpi_waitany__ ESMF_TRACE_STATICLINKLIBS=-lesmftrace_static -------------------------------------------------------------- Compiling on Thu May 21 05:10:55 EDT 2020 on discover01 Machine characteristics: Linux discover01 3.0.101-0.47.105-default #1 SMP Thu Jun 22 17:13:58 UTC 2017 (e1c7e3b) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux ============================================================== Thu May 21 05:38:17 EDT 2020 library build -j16 ...........PASS Builds with warnings. Thu May 21 05:38:34 EDT 2020 library install -j4 ..........PASS Thu May 21 05:38:35 EDT 2020 library installcheck -j4 .....PASS Thu May 21 05:39:33 EDT 2020 quickstart build -j4 .........PASS |------------------------ APPs TESTS --------------------------| Thu May 21 05:39:37 EDT 2020 apps build -j4 ...............PASS |--------------------------------------------------------------| Thu May 21 05:40:02 EDT 2020 ESMF_Regrid --help ...........PASS The following is the output of ESMF_Regrid --help Usage: ESMF_Regrid --source|-s src_grid_filename --destination|-d dst_grid_filename --src_var varname1[,varname2,...] --dst_var varname1[,varname2,...] [--srcdatafile] [--dstdatafile] [--tilefile_path tile_file_path] [--dst_loc center|corner] [--method|-m bilinear|patch|neareststod|nearestdtos|conserve|conserve2nd] [--pole|-p all|none|teeth|] [--ignore_unmapped|-i] [--ignore_degenerate] [-r] [--src_regional] [--dst_regional] [--check] [--no_log] [--help] [--version] [-V] where --source or -s - a required argument specifying the source grid file name --destination or -d - a required argument specifying the destination grid file name --src_var - a required argument specifying the variable names to be regridded in the source grid file. If more than one, separated them with comma. --dst_var - a required argument specifying the destination variable name in the destination grid file. If more than one, separated them with comma. The number of dst_vars has to be the same as the number of src_var --srcdatafile - If the source grid is of type MOSAIC, the data is stored in separated files, one per tile. srcdatafile is the prefix of the source data file. The filename is, where tilename is the tile name defined in the source grid file --dstdatafile - If the destination grid is of type MOSAIC, the data is stored in separated files, one per tile. dstdatafile is the prefix of the destination data file. The filename is, where tilename is the tile name defined in the destination grid file --tilefile_path - The alternative file path for the tile files and mosaic data files when either srcFile or dstFile is a GRIDSPEC MOSAIC grid. The path can be either relative or absolute. If it is relative, it is relative to the working directory. When specified, the gridlocation variable defined in the Mosaic file will be ignored. --method or -m - an optional argument specifying which interpolation method is used. The default method is bilinear --pole or -p - an optional argument indicating what to do with the pole. The default value is all --ignore_unmapped or -i - ignore unmapped destination points. If not specified, the default is to stop with an error. --ignore_degenerate - ignore degenerate cells in the input grids. If not specified, the default is to stop with an error. -r - an optional argument specifying the source and destination grids are regional grids. Without this argument, the grids are assumed to be global. This argument only applies to the GRIDSPEC file --src_regional - an optional argument specifying the source grid is regional. Without this argument, the src grids is assumed to be global. This argument only applies to the GRIDSPEC file --dst_regional - an optional argument specifying the destination grid is regional Without this argument, the dst grids is assumed to be global. This argument only applies to the GRIDSPEC file --check - Check the regridded fields by comparing the values with a synthetic field calculated based on its coordinates. The mean relative error between the destination field and synthetic field is computed. The synthetic value is calculated as data(i,j,k,l)=2.0+(k-1)+2*(l-1)+cos(lat(i,j))**2*cos(2*lon(i,j)), assuming it is a 2D grid --no_log - Turn off the ESMF error log. --help - Print this help message and exit. --version - Print ESMF version and license information and exit. -V - Print ESMF version number and exit. For questions, comments, or feature requests please send email to: Visit to find out more about the Earth System Modeling Framework. |--------------------------------------------------------------| Thu May 21 05:40:02 EDT 2020 ESMF_Regrid --version ........PASS The following is the output of ESMF_Regrid --version ESMF_VERSION_STRING: 8.0.1 ESMF_VERSION_MAJOR: 8 ESMF_VERSION_MINOR: 0 ESMF_VERSION_REVISION: 1 ESMF_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL: 1 ESMF_VERSION_PUBLIC: T ESMF_VERSION_BETASNAPSHOT: F Earth System Modeling Framework Copyright (c) 2002-2020 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal with the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the names of the organizations developing this software, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this Software without specific prior written permission. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS WITH THE SOFTWARE. |--------------------------------------------------------------| Thu May 21 05:40:02 EDT 2020 ESMF_Regrid -V ...............PASS The following is the output of ESMF_Regrid -V ESMF_VERSION_STRING: 8.0.1 |--------------------------------------------------------------| Thu May 21 05:40:02 EDT 2020 ESMF_Info --help .............PASS The following is the output of ESMF_Info --help ESMF_Info: Print information about the ESMF installation. Options: --help Display this information and exit. --version Display ESMF version and license information and exit. -V Display ESMF version string and exit. |--------------------------------------------------------------| Thu May 21 05:40:02 EDT 2020 ESMF_Info --version ..........PASS The following is the output of ESMF_Info --version ESMF_VERSION_STRING: 8.0.1 ESMF_VERSION_MAJOR: 8 ESMF_VERSION_MINOR: 0 ESMF_VERSION_REVISION: 1 ESMF_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL: 1 ESMF_VERSION_PUBLIC: T ESMF_VERSION_BETASNAPSHOT: F Earth System Modeling Framework Copyright (c) 2002-2020 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal with the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the names of the organizations developing this software, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this Software without specific prior written permission. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS WITH THE SOFTWARE. |--------------------------------------------------------------| Thu May 21 05:40:02 EDT 2020 ESMF_Info -V .................PASS The following is the output of ESMF_Info -V ESMF_VERSION_STRING: 8.0.1 |--------------------------------------------------------------| Thu May 21 05:40:02 EDT 2020 ESMF_InfoC --help ............PASS The following is the output of ESMF_InfoC --help ESMF_InfoC: Print information about the ESMF installation. Options: --help Display this information and exit. --version Display ESMF version and license information and exit. -V Display ESMF version string and exit. |--------------------------------------------------------------| Thu May 21 05:40:02 EDT 2020 ESMF_InfoC --version .........PASS The following is the output of ESMF_InfoC --version ESMF_VERSION_STRING: 8.0.1 ESMF_VERSION_MAJOR: 8 ESMF_VERSION_MINOR: 0 ESMF_VERSION_REVISION: 1 ESMF_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL: 1 ESMF_VERSION_PUBLIC: T ESMF_VERSION_BETASNAPSHOT: F Earth System Modeling Framework Copyright (c) 2002-2020 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal with the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the names of the organizations developing this software, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this Software without specific prior written permission. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS WITH THE SOFTWARE. |--------------------------------------------------------------| Thu May 21 05:40:02 EDT 2020 ESMF_InfoC -V ................PASS The following is the output of ESMF_InfoC -V ESMF_VERSION_STRING: 8.0.1 |--------------------------------------------------------------| Thu May 21 05:40:02 EDT 2020 ESMF_RegridWeightGen --help ..PASS The following is the output of ESMF_RegridWeightGen --help Usage: ESMF_RegridWeightGen --source|-s src_grid_filename --destination|-d dst_grid_filename --weight|-w out_weight_file [--method|-m bilinear|patch|neareststod|nearestdtos|conserve|conserve2nd] [--pole|-p all|none|teeth|] [--line_type|-l cartesian|greatcircle] [--norm_type dstarea|fracarea] [--extrap_method none|neareststod|nearestidavg|creep] [--extrap_num_src_pnts ] [--extrap_dist_exponent

] [--extrap_num_levels ] [--ignore_unmapped|-i] [--ignore_degenerate] [-r] [--src_regional] [--dst_regional] [--64bit_offset] [--netcdf4] [--weight_only] [--src_missingvalue src_var_name] [--dst_missingvalue dst_var_name] [--src_coordinates lon_var_name,lat_var_name] [--dst_coordinates lon_var_name,lat_var_name] [--user_areas] [--src_loc center|corner] [--dst_loc center|corner] [--tilefile_path tile_file_path] [--no_log] [--check] [--help] [--version] [-V] where --source or -s - a required argument specifying the source grid file name --destination or -d - a required argument specifying the destination grid file name --weight or -w - a required argument specifying the output regridding weight file name --method or -m - an optional argument specifying which interpolation method is used. The default method is bilinear. --pole or -p - an optional argument indicating what to do with the pole. The default value is all. --line_type or -l - an optional argument indicating the type of path lines (e.g. cell edges) follow on a spherical surface. The default value depends on the regrid method. For non-conservative methods the default is cartesian. For conservative methods the default is greatcircle. --norm_type - an optional argument indicating the type of normalization to do when generating conserative weights. The default value is dstarea. --extrap_method - an optional argument specifying which extrapolation method is used. The default method is none. --extrap_num_src_pnts - an optional argument specifying how many source points should be used when the extrapolation method is nearestidavg. The default is 8. --extrap_dist_exponent - an optional argument specifying the exponent that the distance should be raised to when the extrapolation method is nearestidavg. The default is 2.0. --extrap_num_levels - an optional argument specifying how many levels should be filled for level based extrapolation methods (e.g. creep). --ignore_unmapped or -i - ignore unmapped destination points. If not specified, the default is to stop with an error. --ignore_degenerate - ignore degenerate cells in the input grids. If not specified, the default is to stop with an error. -r - an optional argument specifying the source and destination grids are regional grids. Without this argument, the grids are assumed to be global --src_regional - an optional argument specifying the source grid is regional. Without this argument, the src grids is assumed to be global. --dst_regional - an optional argument specifying the destination grid is regional Without this argument, the dst grids is assumed to be global. --64bit_offset - an optional argument specifying the output weight file is in NetCDF 64-bit offset format. This option only works with NetCDF library version 3.6 and above --netcdf4 - an optional argument specifying the output weight file is in the NetCDF4 format. This option only works with NetCDF library version 4.1 and above --weight_only - an Optional argument specifying the output weight file only contains the weights and the source and destination grid's indices. --src_missingvalue - an optional argument used when the src file type is GRIDSPEC or UGRID. It defines the variable name whose 'missing_value' or '_FillValue' attribute will be used to construct the mask for the source grid. Without this argument,a GRIDSPEC file or a UGRID file is not masked. --dst_missingvalue - an optional argument used when the destination file type is GRIDSPEC or UGRID. It defines the variable name whose 'missing_value' or '_FillValue' attribute will be used to construct the mask for the destination grid. Without this argument,a GRIDSPEC file or a UGRID file is not masked. --src_coordinates - an optional argument used when the source grid type is GRIDSPEC. It defines the longitude and latitude variable names separated by comma, in case there are multiple coordinate variables defined in the file --dst_coordinates - an optional argument used when the destination grid type is GRIDSPEC. It defines the longitude and latitude variable names separated by comma, in case there are multiple coordinate variables defined in the file --user_areas - an optional argument specifying that the conservation is adjusted to hold for the user areas provided in the grid files. If not specified, then the conservation will hold for the ESMF calculated (great circle) areas. Whichever areas the conservation holds for are output to the weight file. --src_loc - an optional argument specifying which location is used to do the regridding The location can be either 'center' or 'corner'. Currently, this argument is only required when the source grid file is an unstructured grid defined in UGRID or ESMF format and the regridding method is non-conservative. For all other cases, the default location is 'center'. --dst_loc - an optional argument specifying which location is used to do the regridding The location can be either 'center' or 'corner'. Currently, this argument is 'center'. Currently, this argument will only be used when the is only required when the destination grid file is an unstructured grid defined in UGRID or ESMF format and the regridding method is non-conservative. For all other cases, the default location is 'center'. --tilefile_path - the alternative file path for the tile files when the grid file type is MOSAIC. --no_log - Turn off the ESMF logs. --check - Check that the generated weights produce reasonable regridded fields. This is done by calling ESMF_FieldRegrid() on an analytic source field using the weights generated by this application. The mean relative error between the destination and analytic field is computed, as well as the relative error between the mass of the source and destination fields in the conservative case. --help - Print this help message and exit. --version - Print ESMF version and license information and exit. -V - Print ESMF version number and exit. For questions, comments, or feature requests please send email to: Visit to find out more about the Earth System Modeling Framework. |--------------------------------------------------------------| Thu May 21 05:40:02 EDT 2020 ESMF_RegridWeightGen --version PASS The following is the output of ESMF_RegridWeightGen --version ESMF_VERSION_STRING: 8.0.1 ESMF_VERSION_MAJOR: 8 ESMF_VERSION_MINOR: 0 ESMF_VERSION_REVISION: 1 ESMF_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL: 1 ESMF_VERSION_PUBLIC: T ESMF_VERSION_BETASNAPSHOT: F Earth System Modeling Framework Copyright (c) 2002-2020 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal with the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the names of the organizations developing this software, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this Software without specific prior written permission. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS WITH THE SOFTWARE. |--------------------------------------------------------------| Thu May 21 05:40:02 EDT 2020 ESMF_RegridWeightGen -V ......PASS The following is the output of ESMF_RegridWeightGen -V ESMF_VERSION_STRING: 8.0.1 |--------------------------------------------------------------| Thu May 21 05:40:02 EDT 2020 ESMF_Scrip2Unstruct --help ...PASS The following is the output of ESMF_Scrip2Unstruct --help ESMF_Scrip2Unstruct: Convert an unstructured grid file in SCRIP format into either a ESMF unstructured file or a UGRID file format. Usage: ESMF_Scrip2Unstruct [--help] [--version] [-V] inputfile outputfile dualflag [fileformat] [--help] Display this information and exit. [--version] Display ESMF version and license information and exit. [-V] Display ESMF version string and exit. inputfile input grid filename outputfile output filename dualflag 1 to generate a dual mesh, 0 for non-dual mesh [fileformat] Either ESMF or UGRID, the default is ESMF |--------------------------------------------------------------| Thu May 21 05:40:02 EDT 2020 ESMF_Scrip2Unstruct --version PASS The following is the output of ESMF_Scrip2Unstruct --version ESMF_VERSION_STRING: 8.0.1 ESMF_VERSION_MAJOR: 8 ESMF_VERSION_MINOR: 0 ESMF_VERSION_REVISION: 1 ESMF_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL: 1 ESMF_VERSION_PUBLIC: T ESMF_VERSION_BETASNAPSHOT: F Earth System Modeling Framework Copyright (c) 2002-2020 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal with the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the names of the organizations developing this software, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this Software without specific prior written permission. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS WITH THE SOFTWARE. |--------------------------------------------------------------| Thu May 21 05:40:02 EDT 2020 ESMF_Scrip2Unstruct -V .......PASS The following is the output of ESMF_Scrip2Unstruct -V ESMF_VERSION_STRING: 8.0.1 |--------------------------------------------------------------| Thu May 21 05:40:02 EDT 2020 ESMF_WebServController --help PASS The following is the output of ESMF_WebServController --help ESMF_WebServController: Run a Process Controller that provides access to an ESMF Web Service enabled Component. Usage: ESMF_WebServController [--help] [--version] [-V] procCtrlPort registrarHost registrarPort [--help] Display this information and exit. [--version] Display ESMF version and license information and exit. [-V] Display ESMF version string and exit. procCtrlPort Port num for Process Controller listener. registrarHost Host name on which Registrar is running. registrarPort Port num on which Registrar is listening. runScriptDir Directory containing run script. runScriptFile File name of run script. |--------------------------------------------------------------| Thu May 21 05:40:02 EDT 2020 ESMF_WebServController --version PASS The following is the output of ESMF_WebServController --version ESMF_VERSION_STRING: 8.0.1 ESMF_VERSION_MAJOR: 8 ESMF_VERSION_MINOR: 0 ESMF_VERSION_REVISION: 1 ESMF_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL: 1 ESMF_VERSION_PUBLIC: T ESMF_VERSION_BETASNAPSHOT: F Earth System Modeling Framework Copyright (c) 2002-2020 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal with the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the names of the organizations developing this software, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this Software without specific prior written permission. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS WITH THE SOFTWARE. |--------------------------------------------------------------| Thu May 21 05:40:02 EDT 2020 ESMF_WebServController -V ....PASS The following is the output of ESMF_WebServController -V ESMF_VERSION_STRING: 8.0.1 Ran 18 applications tests, 18 passed and 0 failed. |----------------------- SYSTEM TESTS -------------------------| Thu May 21 05:41:04 EDT 2020 build_system_tests -j4 .......PASS Thu May 21 05:42:21 EDT 2020 run_system_tests_uni .........PASS The following system tests passed: PASS: mpiuni/O: src/system_tests/ESMF_ArraySharedDeSSI/ESMF_ArraySharedDeSSISTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/system_tests/ESMF_AttributeCIM/ESMF_AttributeCIMSTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/system_tests/ESMF_CompCreate/ESMF_CompCreateSTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/system_tests/ESMF_CompFortranAndC/ESMF_CompFortranAndCSTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/system_tests/ESMF_FieldBundleRedistArb2Arb/ESMF_FieldBundleRedistArb2ArbSTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/system_tests/ESMF_FieldBundleRedistBlk2Arb/ESMF_FieldBundleRedistBlk2ArbSTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/system_tests/ESMF_FieldRedistArb2Arb/ESMF_FieldRedistArb2ArbSTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/system_tests/ESMF_XGridSerial/ESMF_XGridSerialSTest.F90 The stdout files for the system_tests can be found at: /discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/test/testO/Linux.nag.64.mpiuni.default Found 8 single processor system tests, 8 passed and 0 failed. |------------------------- EXAMPLES ---------------------------| Thu May 21 05:45:21 EDT 2020 build_examples -j4 ...........PASS Thu May 21 05:46:54 EDT 2020 run_examples_uni .............PASS The following examples passed: PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/ArraySpec/examples/ESMF_ArraySpecEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Config/examples/ESMF_ConfigOverviewEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/DELayout/examples/ESMF_DELayoutEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Field/examples/ESMF_FieldArbGridEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/FieldBundle/examples/ESMF_FieldBundleCreateEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Grid/examples/ESMF_GridCreateRegFromDGEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Grid/examples/ESMF_GridUsageEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/LocStream/examples/ESMF_LocStreamEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/LogErr/examples/ESMF_LogErrEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Route/examples/ESMF_RHandleDynamicMaskingEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Route/examples/ESMF_RHandleFromFileEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Route/examples/ESMF_RHandleReusabilityEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/examples/ESMF_AlarmEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/examples/ESMF_CalendarEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/examples/ESMF_ClockEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/examples/ESMF_TimeEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/examples/ESMF_TimeIntervalEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Trace/examples/ESMF_TraceEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Trace/examples/ESMF_TraceUserEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/examples/ESMF_VMAllFullReduceEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/examples/ESMF_VMComponentEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/examples/ESMF_VMDefaultBasicsEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/examples/ESMF_VMGetMPICommunicatorEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/examples/ESMF_VMHigherRankDataEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/examples/ESMF_VMNonBlockingEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/examples/ESMF_VMScatterVMGatherEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/examples/ESMF_VMSendVMRecvEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/examples/ESMF_VMUserMpiCommEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/examples/ESMF_VMUserMpiCommMultiEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/examples/ESMF_VMUserMpiEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/XGrid/examples/ESMF_XGridSparseMatEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttachMethods/examples/ESMF_AttachMethodsEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/examples/ESMF_AttReadCustCplCompEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/examples/ESMF_AttReadFieldEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/examples/ESMF_AttReadGridCompEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/examples/ESMF_AttributeCIMEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/examples/ESMF_AttributeCustPackEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/examples/ESMF_AttributeEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/examples/ESMF_AttributeInternalInfoEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/examples/ESMF_AttributePackageEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/Component/examples/ESMF_AppMainEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/Component/examples/ESMF_CplEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/Component/examples/ESMF_GCompEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/Component/examples/ESMF_InternalStateEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/Component/examples/ESMF_InternalStateModEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/Component/examples/ESMF_SCompEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/State/examples/ESMF_StateEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/State/examples/ESMF_StateReadWriteEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/State/examples/ESMF_StateReconcileEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/addon/NUOPC/examples/ESMF_NUOPCAtmModelEx.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/addon/NUOPC/examples/ESMF_NUOPCBasicModelEx.F90 The stdout files for the examples can be found at: /discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/examples/examplesO/Linux.nag.64.mpiuni.default Found 51 single processor examples, 51 passed and 0 failed. |-------------------- EXHAUSTIVE UNIT TESTS -------------------| Thu May 21 05:52:47 EDT 2020 build_unit_tests -j4 .........PASS Thu May 21 06:04:35 EDT 2020 run_unit_tests_uni ...........PASS The unit tests in the following files all pass: PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Array/tests/ESMC_ArrayUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Array/tests/ESMF_ArrayDataUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Array/tests/ESMF_ArraySMMFromFileUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Array/tests/ESMF_ArraySMMUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/ArrayBundle/tests/ESMF_ArrayBundleCreateUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/ArrayBundle/tests/ESMF_ArrayBundleRedistUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/ArraySpec/tests/ESMC_ArraySpecUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/ArraySpec/tests/ESMF_ArraySpecUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Base/tests/ESMF_BaseUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Config/tests/ESMC_ConfigUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Config/tests/ESMF_ConfigUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Container/tests/ESMF_ContainerUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/DELayout/tests/ESMF_DELayoutUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/DELayout/tests/ESMF_DELayoutWorkQueueUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/DistGrid/tests/ESMC_DistGridUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/DistGrid/tests/ESMF_DistGridCreateGetUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMC_FieldGridGridRegridCsrvUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMC_FieldGridGridRegridUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMC_FieldGridRegrid2UTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMC_FieldGridRegridCsrv2UTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMC_FieldGridRegridCsrvUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMC_FieldGridRegridUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMC_FieldRegridCsrvUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMC_FieldRegridUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMC_FieldSMMFromFileUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMC_FieldUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMF_FieldArbGridUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMF_FieldRedistArbUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMF_FieldRegridCSUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMF_FieldRegridCsrv2ndUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMF_FieldRegridCsrvUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMF_FieldRegridUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMF_FieldRegridXGUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMF_FieldSMMFromFileUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Field/tests/ESMF_FieldStressUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/FieldBundle/tests/ESMF_FieldBundleRegridUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/FieldBundle/tests/ESMF_FieldBundleUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Grid/tests/ESMC_GridUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Grid/tests/ESMF_GridArbitraryUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Grid/tests/ESMF_GridCoordUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Grid/tests/ESMF_GridCreateUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Grid/tests/ESMF_GridItemUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/IO/tests/ESMCI_IO_NetCDFUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/IO/tests/ESMCI_IO_PIOUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/IO/tests/ESMC_IO_InqUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/IO/tests/ESMF_IOUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/IO/tests/ESMF_IO_PIOUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/IO/tests/ESMF_IO_YAMLUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/LocStream/tests/ESMC_LocStreamUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/LocStream/tests/ESMF_LocStreamUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/LocalArray/tests/ESMF_LocalArrayDataUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/LocalArray/tests/ESMF_LocalArrayUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/LogErr/tests/ESMC_LogErrPerfUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/LogErr/tests/ESMC_LogErrUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/LogErr/tests/ESMF_LogErrPerfUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/LogErr/tests/ESMF_LogErrUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Mesh/tests/ESMC_MBMesh_BilinearSingleElemUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Mesh/tests/ESMC_MBMesh_BilinearUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Mesh/tests/ESMC_MBMesh_CreateUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Mesh/tests/ESMC_MBMesh_SearchUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Mesh/tests/ESMC_MBMesh_UtilUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Mesh/tests/ESMC_MeshMOABUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Mesh/tests/ESMC_MeshUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Mesh/tests/ESMC_Proj4UTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Mesh/tests/ESMF_MeshOpUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Mesh/tests/ESMF_MeshUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/PointList/tests/ESMF_PointListUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Route/tests/ESMF_RouteHandleUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/tests/ESMC_CalendarUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/tests/ESMC_ClockUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/tests/ESMC_TimeIntervalUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/tests/ESMC_TimeUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/tests/ESMF_AlarmUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/tests/ESMF_CalRangeUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/tests/ESMF_CalendarUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/tests/ESMF_ClockUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/tests/ESMF_TimeIntervalUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/tests/ESMF_TimeUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Trace/tests/ESMC_TraceRegionUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Trace/tests/ESMF_ProfileUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Trace/tests/ESMF_TraceClkMonoSyncUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Trace/tests/ESMF_TraceClkMonoUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Trace/tests/ESMF_TraceIOUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Trace/tests/ESMF_TraceMPIUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Trace/tests/ESMF_TraceUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Util/tests/ESMF_FortranWordsizeUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Util/tests/ESMF_InitMacrosUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Util/tests/ESMF_TypeKindGetUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/Util/tests/ESMF_UtilUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMC_VMUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMAccUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMAllGatherUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMAllGatherVUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMAllToAllUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMAllToAllVUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMBarrierUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMBroadcastUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMComponentUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMGatherUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMOpenMPUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMScatterUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMSendNbVMRecvNbUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMSendRecvNbUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMSendRecvUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/VM/tests/ESMF_VMUserMpiInitUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/XGrid/tests/ESMC_XGridUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/XGrid/tests/ESMF_XGridMaskingUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Infrastructure/XGrid/tests/ESMF_XGridUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttInternalGridUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttPackABundleUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttPackArrayUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttPackCplCompUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttPackDistGridUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttPackFBundleUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttPackFieldUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttPackGridCompUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttPackGridUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttPackLocStreamUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttPackSciCompUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttPackStateUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttReadCplCompUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttReadFieldUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttReadGridCompUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeABundleUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeArrayUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeAutoLinkUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeCplCompUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeDistGridUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeFBundleUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeFieldUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeGridCompUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeGridUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeJSONUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeLocStreamUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeSciCompUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeStateUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeWriteInternalUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/AttributeAPI/tests/ESMF_AttributeXMLUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/Component/tests/ESMC_ComponentUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/Component/tests/ESMF_CompSetServUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/Component/tests/ESMF_ComponentUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/Component/tests/ESMF_CplCompCreateUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/Component/tests/ESMF_GridCompCreateUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/Component/tests/ESMF_SciCompCreateUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/Component/tests/ESMF_StdCompMethodsUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/ESMFMod/tests/ESMF_FrameworkUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/IOAPI/tests/ESMF_IOCompUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/PreESMFMod/tests/ESMF_FileRegridUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/PreESMFMod/tests/ESMF_RegridWeightGenUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/State/tests/ESMC_StateUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/State/tests/ESMF_StateCreateUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/State/tests/ESMF_StateReadWriteUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/Superstructure/State/tests/ESMF_StateUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/addon/NUOPC/tests/ESMF_NUOPC_UTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/epilogue/tests/ESMCI_TestUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/epilogue/tests/ESMC_TestUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/epilogue/tests/ESMF_TestUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/prologue/tests/ESMCI_ExceptionsUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/prologue/tests/ESMCI_FeatureUTest.C PASS: mpiuni/O: src/prologue/tests/ESMF_F90ArrayPtrUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/prologue/tests/ESMF_FeatureUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/prologue/tests/ESMF_LAPACKUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/prologue/tests/ESMF_StringUTest.F90 PASS: mpiuni/O: src/prologue/tests/ESMF_WordsizeUTest.F90 The following test harness unit tests pass: PASS: mpiuni/O: ESMF_array_default_NP1UTest PASS: mpiuni/O: ESMF_field_default_NP1UTest The log and stdout files for the unit tests can be found at: /discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf/test/testO/Linux.nag.64.mpiuni.default Found 7536 exhaustive single processor unit tests, 7536 passed and 0 failed. The tarballs of the tests and examples directories can be found at: /discover/nobackup/scvasque/scripts_dir/branch_builds/nag/esmf_logs/2005_test. These tarballs contain the *Log and *stdout files only, not the executables. This directory also contains failed build output files with the naming convention of build_ESMF_BOPT_(day)(platform)ESMF_OS ESMF_ABI ESMF_COMPILER ESMF_COMM. For example, if the build fails on longs on the 19th of the month with ESMF_BOPT=g, the file would be called 'build_g_19longslinux32pgimpiuni'. _______________________________________________ esmf_test mailing list